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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

In the summer of 2004, the Chatter Creek partners constucted Solitude Lodge, a 9200 sq.ft sleeping annex to Vertebrae Lodge. The new lodge was heated mainly be extending the glycol hot water loop from the original outdoor furnace. This was a stop-gap measure due to inadequate time and funds. Like Vertebrae Lodge, Solitude Lodge was built in one short summer. Finishing of many details had to be left to the summer of 2005.

To ensure adequate heat for Solitude's first winter of operation, a propane booster was added to the heating system. This was needed in times of cool weather. In 2005 the partners will expand the woodshed and install a second outdoor furnace to replace the propane unit and to provide even more heat for the lodges and the hot tubs.


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